Melissa Lynn Camp has become a generational influencer. God has used her life, her testimony, her journals to transform the lives of young and old, men and women. She was and is a friend of God, amazing daughter, compassionate sister, loving wife, caring friend, and passionate follower of Jesus Christ. She was a High School Youth Leader, sang on worship teams and in choir, played JV basketball, was an impactful college student, mentor, camp counselor, artist, and writer. Melissa loved children and worked as a Preschool Teacher’s Assistant and a Nanny. She married Jeremy Camp on October 21, 2000; they lived close to the beach in Carlsbad, California until her home going on February 5, 2001. Melissa’s journals were the inspiration for the film I Still Believe and are published in the book Melissa, If One Life . . . and in the Devotional Journal - Craving Intimacy with God.
“Melissa's story is so beautiful. The book moved me in a way I can't explain. I could literally feel Melissa's joy and love in her conversations with Jesus. I couldn't put the book down until I had read every page.”
Janette Henning is Co-author of the life-changing book Melissa, If One Life . . . along with her daughter Melissa Camp. She is described by her readers as a powerful storyteller, a beautiful writer, inspiring, vulnerable, sharing the raw pieces of her heart with words that resonate deep in the soul. Janette is passionate about sharing Melissa’s life, her journals, and the power of one life surrendered to Christ. She is a fervent follower of Jesus Christ, a wife, a mother of four and a grandmother of nine. She has been a pastor’s wife, a church planter, a women’s minister, a Bible Study teacher, and writer as well as a real estate agent teaming with her husband Mark in San Diego county. They live in the beach community of Encinitas, California.
“Melissa's journals are breathtaking. So articulately written with the Holy Spirit directing her hand. Her words are eternal and minister to us today. Mrs. Henning also is a powerful storyteller guiding the reader with supportive details. And writes about her own vulnerable experience.”
​Melissa lived her life in a passionate pursuit of knowing God intimately - she craved it! Her journals reveal her great love for the Lord and she longed to share them with the world. Her desire was to impact young women to walk closely with God and she is fulfilling that desire everyday. Not just one but millions has been inspired and impacted by her life and her words. I will continue to share Melissa's journals, her own words and let her speak for herself. Her journals comforted me and transported me into God's presence and I believe and know they will do the same for you. Janette

The purpose of my writings is to awaken, nurture, encourage and ignite your faith and personal intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. To shake up and wake up Christ followers to live surrendered to His Word, His will and His calling on their lives. It is a life worth living!
I want you to know, you are extraordinary! You are loved with an everlasting love that will never fail. You are a child of God, the daughter or son of the King with all rights, privileges and power in His name. Melissa was a human being just like you. She had the same desires, dreams, and temptations. She was ordinary in the eyes of the world but extraordinary in the eyes of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She experienced an abundant, supernatural, exceptional life. I write to encourage you as Melissa would that this amazing, supernatural, powerful life is yours to seize. You have gifts and abilities uniquely given to you to bring glory to God and to impact others for eternity. There is a spectacular plan and purpose for your life - even if your life is interrupted, unexpected, deeply wounded, scarred or disappointing to you. Don't be discouraged dear one God is working in every detail to show off His splendor through your life. It is exciting to think about.
I want you to know, you are valuable, you are God's workmanship, His masterpiece and He doesn't make mistakes. You are beautiful and important. What you have to say is valuable and we need to hear your voice. My hope is to help you see your value in the Kingdom of God.
I want you to know what God says about you in His Word, the Bible. When we know and accept who we are in Christ there are no limits, no glass ceilings, no barriers to living extraordinary lives all for the glory and honor of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus! He is worthy! Let's be EXTRAORDINARY!

It is my husband's Mark and my goal to encourage, challenge and guide you on your extraordinary faith journey! Plus add some FUN into the process. Jesus spoke so our " JOY WOULD BE FULL" I need JOY and so do you. Life hurts too much to live without it. Join me on the journey - sign up for our weekly Devo below!