Hi Sam,
This is a common thought for so many people. If you only had “more faith” then … But Jesus says it only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains. The most important thing to know about faith is that the Christian’s faith is not in an external outcome, it is faith in a person, Jesus Christ. It is faith in all that He is and all that He says. This world is not our home. We are passing through on different timelines for each of us. Some short, some long but all in the allotted time of God for HIS eternal plans and purposes.
Anyone who reads Melissa’s book, her journals will easily see her faith & Jeremy’s faith. It is a faith that moved mountains in the eternal realm. A faith that brought about the supernatural and the filling of the Holy Spirit. A faith that filled Melissa with the “fullness of God.” A faith that continues to this day to spread the gospel and has brought millions of people into a relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Savior Jesus Christ. Our purpose in this life is NOT to live until we are 120. It is not to live a life of ease and happiness. For the Christian, it is to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. Look at the life of Jesus. Did He not have enough faith? Would He have not died if He had more faith? He was only 33. BUT there was an eternal plan for His death that included saving people from their sins and giving them eternal life. If Jesus, the son of God, our Creator suffered and died so others could live, so they would be saved from their sins, why would Christ followers expect that we would never have to do that IF WE HAD MORE FAITH? No, we don’t die for people’s sins BUT God does choose to use some of us to suffer and die so others might come to know Jesus as their Savior and through that have eternal life.
“If one life comes to know Jesus Christ as their Savior because of what I go through, it will all be worth it.” Melissa
Melissa was so secure in her eternal life and in Jesus’ love for her she was willing to go through anything to bring people to salvation through the One who saved her, set her free and gave her an abundant life. Is this not faith? Has God not given her above and beyond what she could ask for or think?
If Melissa’s life was different, if she was given a long life, I’m sure it would have been fruitful for the Lord. I’m also sure that it would not have produced the mighty harvest we see today. Jeremy’s music would not be the same. The songs God gave Him came from a broken and shattered heart. They are powerful and have comforted millions. He continues to tell Melissa’s story. He continues to tell of the wonders of Christ. There would never have been a movie, I STILL BELIEVE, that has been shown all over the world that has led so many to seek out a relationship with God and many have read Melissa’s journals and are forever changed. God answered every one of Melissa’s prayers including her prayer to be healed. He healed her on this earth and gave her an amazing husband to love and be loved and a honeymoon to enjoy. He healed her the day before she died to show all of us His mighty power to do so BUT it was His will for Melissa to be in Heaven with HIM on Feb. 5th 2001. Why? Because she is His and He is hers for all eternity. He, Jesus is the love of her life and being with Him was her greatest heart’s desire. AND through her life He would chose to bring a mighty Harvest of souls to Heaven after her.
Do we get this? God’s ways are not our ways. He has given us an eternal life not just a life on this fallen earth. An exciting, fulfilling, amazing eternal life where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever more. Melissa did not need more faith! Her faith has brought her into the Kingdom of God, into the presence of Jesus and has brought about the salvation of many.
Another thing to look at is the life of the disciples. Did Stephen need more faith? Did James need more faith? Would they have not died young? How about all of the Christians that were thrown into the lions den? Did they need more faith or did their faith carry them through straight to Heaven? What about Jim Elliot, the missionary that was killed by a tribe he went to save? His wife Elizabeth fulfilled her husband’s mission and has been used by their Savior to comfort and reach many for Christ. Joan of Arc while being burned at the stake said, “Raise the cross a little higher so I can see it.” And so many other testimonies over the past 2000+ years!! You see faith is not about healing or living a beautiful life. That kind of faith will fail you eventually. Faith in Jesus, in His Word, His plans and eternal purposes will never fail.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
So that is what I would say to those who think that if Melissa & Jeremy had “more faith” she would not have died. I know that this kind of thinking and teaching is very damaging to one’s faith and relationship with Christ. I have seen it do much harm and many have abandoned their faith in Christ because their faith in the outcome they sought did not happen. If you study the entire counsel of God in the BIBLE on this subject and not just look at a few verses you will see clearly God’s will and plan for eternal life here on earth and in Heaven.
Keep on sharing your Faith in Jesus Sam!! Keep engaging your friends.
All for Jesus & His glory,
To learn more and to discover how you can have a strong faith and intimacy with God check out Melissa If One Life . . . and our new Devotional Journal - Craving Intimacy with God. Click the image below to LEARN MORE