I am so excited about our NEW Devotional Journal - Craving Intimacy with God! I want everyone to be able to experience it so I am offering the beginning of the book plus the first three "Days" FREE in a PDF.
You can start igniting your intimacy with God
Day 1: One Love Can Change Your Life
Day 2: He Knows Your Name
Day 3: You Have a Destiny
Day 4: Knowing God
Simply click the button below to
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He knows you intimately, loves your relentlessly and is pursuing your heart with full abandonment.

30 Devotional Bible Journaling Experiences
to Awaken, Nurture and Ignite your Intimacy with God.
Melissa, If One Life . . . is the beautiful story of an incredible young woman, Melissa Lynn Camp. She loved to study the Bible and she loved to journal. Her journals reveal an intimacy with God that few experience. Her relationship with Jesus Christ strengthened her through intense trials, filled her with extraordinary joy and led her to a supernatural love – a love story for the ages. Melissa’s journals and her love story with Jeremy Camp inspired the movie, I STILL BELIEVE. Her life, her journals and their story have impacted millions and changed the lives of many. You will be inspired to crave intimacy with God as you read and reflect upon her love letters and begin to write your own. This Devotional Journal is written in response to the numerous women who have asked, “How can I have a faith like Melissa’s?”
Your journal experience that you are about to embark on is an opportunity to encounter the living God. Every day is meant for you to personally experience Him, your Creator, the One who knows you intimately, loves you relentlessly and pursues your heart with full abandonment. Each encounter will draw you into a closer love relationship with Jesus and will awaken, nurture, and ignite your faith. You will see yourself as He sees you and embrace your true identity as a beloved child of God, a daughter of the King. A stronger, confident, extraordinary woman of God will emerge.
See, hear and experience thirty days of wonder and amazement
that will change your life.
Each of the 30 Experiences is practical and applicable to your life and draws you into intimacy with God. Learn to enter His presence, hear His voice, and engage with Him through intimate, authentic, wholehearted communication. Your prayer life will be energized, and transformation will occur as you interact with the Word of God and apply it to your life.
Your daily Experience Includes: A Relevant Topic, Excerpts from Melissa Camp’s journals, A Devotion, Bible Passages and Scriptures, Underline, Circle, Highlight Bible Exercises, Questions for Application and Reflection plus Journaling and Prayer pages with guidance to enhance your personal intimacy with God.
Throughout your journal you will find Creative Scripture line-art illustrations for you to color and personally add your unique touch to this beautiful life-changing keepsake.
“Pray, Walk Away Amazed and Full or Worship!”
Melissa Camp

It is my goal to encourage, challenge and guide you on your extraordinary faith journey! Plus add some FUN into the process. Jesus spoke so our " JOY WOULD BE FULL" I need JOY and so do you. Life hurts too much to live without it. Join me on the journey - sign up for our weekly Devo below!