" If one life comes to know Jesus Christ as their Savior
through what I go through it will all be worth it."

One Love Can Change Your Life
One Life Can Change Your World
I am in awe of the power of one life totally surrendered to God's will above their own.
One Love Can Change Your Life
The love Jesus Christ has for you can change your life and your changed life can change your world and the lives of others. That is what happened to Melissa and it can happen to you.
Enjoy the stories
We have heard from people all over the world telling us that they are the "one life" that has been changed because of Melissa. Here are just a few excerpts from the hundreds of testimonies we have heard. I hope you are inspired by their stories and I would love to hear yours.

Life Talks


There is something very important I need to tell you.
While I’m sure Melissa’s story has affected tons of people forever, I felt a very personal, immense feeling of beauty wash over me when I would read or hear about how she felt that “one life” could be brought to Jesus through her.
Though I’m sure many have been, when I read these words I feel as though I am surely one of the souls her life was meant to minister to.
I cannot explain this connection besides that it is beautiful, perfectly planned, and that I will forever be changed by her. Hopefully I get the chance to thank her in heaven someday! I read pages from the book and cry my eyes out in awe of the feeling I get, that God would use her to get to me.
So overall, I just wanted to say that she was truly right about the amazing work God would do through her.
I am forever changed, forever in love with Christ, forever in awe of her story and God’s glory and plans through it, and forever in adoration of Melissa Camp.
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My name is Steven and upon watching the movie and then getting Melissa's journals,all I can say is WOW.
I was at a complete dead-end in my life, I really didn't want to take another breath because it was useless. Then God stepped in and we watched the movie, my wife and I, then a new me began. I had to watch the movie 4 or 5 times within 2 weeks and each time, God revealed something different each time about Him and His love for me.
I then had to have Melissa's journals,God really opened my eyes to so much. The revelation of letting go of self and let God work has and still is amazing. Seeing how Melissa writing her thoughts and complete surrender to God's will opened my heart so much. Her faith was amazing!!
Since the reading, I have surrendered my heart completely to God and in return, He taught me pure joy,love and faithfulness I never knew. I have completely and truly fallen in love with Him. I can never recall being this happy and I want so much more.
I am so blessed because God used the movie and the journals to open up my eyes and my heart.
Glory be to God in all things and may your love and blessing grow greater in the mercy and love of God.

This beautiful young woman and her great love for God is reaching into the hearts of men. They long for authenticity in the Christian life. Is it real? Is I STILL BELIEVE just a movie, just a story or is there really a girl named Melissa who lived her life in awe of the God of a trillion galaxies? The film created curiosity and a longing for God and for a life of love, joy, peace, strength and all the fullness of God.

One life, one testimony can save a life. I have received many testimonies of lives being pulled up out of darkness into the LIGHT. Jesus saves lives and changes lives because He sees you, He hears you, HE LOVES YOU! Melissa was willing and ready for God to use her to reach the hurting. He is still using her life and her words to reach the lost and hurting well beyond her death. So amazing!

Dear Mr and Mrs. Henning, You don’t know me at all. But after watching I Still Believe, hearing your daughters story, it didn’t change my life...it saved my life. For years I had been in a dark place. I felt abandoned by God. I felt alone...but the biggest thing for me is that I hadn’t felt hope in years. Your daughter, Melissa taught me to hope again. There were times when I was so hopeless that I wanted to kill myself and I didn’t know what to do. When I saw the trailer for I Still Believe, I felt something in my heart telling to see the movie. I didn’t want to but I knew I needed to. And I was in complete awe. What your daughter went through was so challenging and she fought with such courage it inspired me so much to find hope again...and I have. I have regained my hope in Jesus Christ again. And I have your daughter to thank for that. I know it has been two decades since she passed but I want you to know even in death, your daughter is still saving people and changing their lives...twenty years later.


Melissa, If One Life . . . is filled with the Journals of Melissa Camp as she tells her own love story with Jesus and Jeremy. The book is narrated by Janette Henning filling in all the details of Melissa's journey and also her own as a mother. The Forward is written by her husband Jeremy Camp.
Melissa gives us an example of a true Christ Follower; surrendered to God's will above her own.

I have read " I Still Believe " and " Melissa's If One Life " , and have seen the movie. After reading, and watching this movie, I have fully committed my life to Jesus'. I hope and Pray that many receive Salvation and to remember We Walk By Faith and not By Sight. Oh and by the way, I am keeping a Journal, Now!

Melissa, If One Life has been a game changer for me in my walk with Christ! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for publishing her journal entries!!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait for the Devotional Journal to be released!!!
I was deeply touched and affected by the movie and just recently by the book, Melissa If One Life. I was the one life that was called to Christ through Melissa's powerful and touching walk with God. Thank you all for sharing her story and for encouraging a deeper bond with Christ that I did not think was possible.

Melissa’s story is a life changer. What an amazing young woman with such a strong love of the Lord and such a beautiful soul. To me this story reads like a modern-day version of the stories of Faith, Trust, Hope and Love found in the Bible. Thank you for sharing her life in this wonderful book.

I am just writing and give you an update from my last correspondence. With God's word leading my path is awesome. As I have continued on re-reading Melissa's journals, on chapter 6, I have realized how far God has moved in my life since my first reading 7 months ago. I am believing God is shaping my heart as Melissa's. All my desire is to Him to will in me as He desires to reach others. I am so blessed and I'm only worthy because of the blood of Jesus on the cross and how strong He is making my faith.
The more prayers I read, I find God is putting so much of them for my prayers also. They are so much my hearts desire also. I am so blessed by God's wisdom and Melissa's prayers to use them to reach so many people, me being one of those people.
After reading chapters 3 and 4 Monday evening, I listen to a song by Phil Wickham, Hymn of Heaven, God awoken me from deep sleep with this song playing in my head and He told me He wanted me to pray to Him.Being obedient, I did, having no clue what for, but He knew.
I don't know where my journey is heading, yet He does and all I desire is to be humble and follow. I thank God for Melissa's journals and His wisdom to use them in me and many others. Blessed is the mother of such an angel, I feel she was sent for me, one of those many she and God needed.
Thank you so much, one day I will see her in heaven and we can talk about how God used her journals to get me home. I look forward to meeting you there also one day.
To God be all the glory as we continue to March forward doing the will of God and following Jesus's ways.

Thanks to Melissa's story she changed me, her pain, her suffering was not in vain, on the contrary it helped me and many other people. Melissa has entered my heart, my soul and will remain there forever.
I also wanted to tell you that I told the story of Melissa to my mom and dad, I showed them the film and I let them read the book, I translated the book into my language, that is, into Italian because my mom and dad they do not know English and therefore I made the commitment to translate it for them (it was not easy because for me too English remains a second language that I do not know very well, most likely my level of English is sufficient). You don't know how excited they were about Melissa's story, my parents immediately told me: this girl had extraordinary faith, so many people should learn from her, from her kindness, from her smile.
Melissa's story has not only entered my heart and soul but also that of my parents but certainly also of many other people. Matteo
Melissa's book is impacting the lives of women and men of all ages. Her journals reveal an intimacy with God that others long for and crave for themselves. We have heard from people all over the world saying, "I am the one life!" They are the reason I do what I do!
I couldn't possibly tell you all of their stories from Morocco, Madagascar, Brazil, Philippines, South Africa, France, Italy and so many more from every continent except Antarctica!! I'm in awe of the hand of God pursuing those He loves through the life and words of my sweet girl.
How amazing is He?

When Mark and I were first married we prepared and thought we would be missionaries to Brazil. God had a different plan for us. Our desire to "Go into all the world" never left us. It is amazing to see Him answering our prayers and using what we do to not only reach people in Brazil but all over the world.
We hope you will join us in the Great Commission by sharing your story.
We would love to hear it! Send me your story through this website and I will connect with you. I would love to have a short video testimony like Serenity or Grace did if you feel inspired.
These girls are reaching lives with their stories!!
It is my goal to encourage, challenge and guide you on your extraordinary faith journey! Plus add some FUN into the process. Jesus spoke so our " JOY WOULD BE FULL" I need JOY and so do you. Life hurts too much to live without it. Join me on the journey - sign up for our weekly Devo below!